Authors Note

This work depicts actual events in the life of the authors as truthfully as memory allows. All persons within are actual individuals, there are no composite characters. The names of some individuals have been changed or omitted to respect their privacy.

Most of the historical information in this book has been researched extensively, including visiting the actual sites where events took place. In addition, new information from intuitive sources has expanded our knowledge of the eras in which we feel we have lived.

During consultations with Kevin Ryerson, the dialogue with Ahtun Re was recorded, and is presented in this book with his permission. Some portions have been omitted or condensed for brevity or clarity, for example when Ahtun Re asks ”Do you understand?” or ”Do you follow?” after making important points, but otherwise the dialog is written as recorded.

Occasionally, dialogue may have taken place at a different time or place, but all discussions presented actually happened. Most extended conversations between the authors were taken directly from recordings made at the time, and may have been edited for clarity.

All dream and visionary scenes are Italicized for clarity. Dates and locations are added where appropriate. All photos were taken by or for the authors, unless otherwise noted.

All editing has been done by the authors, who have engineering backgrounds, and are not professional writers. Therefore, there may be occasional updates and corrections to the electronic and print-on-demand versions of this text, which will be reflected in the version number.

The views and opinions expressed are the authors’ own, and the information presented is for informational purposes only. Each person is unique, so please consult your own guidance or a trusted advisor, before accepting anything we say as being applicable to you or your life’s circumstances.